Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ideas for Teaching with QR Codes

After attending the E-Learn conference, my interest continues to peak on topics related to augemented reality and mobile learning. I saw this interesting QR code article today, http://www.edutopia.org/blog/QR-codes-teaching-andrew-miller.

It got me thinking on how I could share this with our team via a hands-on activity, so let's try it out. :)

  1. Read article link above.
  2. Visit http://goqr.me/ to create a QR code answering the following question, "What Christmas Means to Me."
  3. Print out your QR code to post in the conference room to share with others.
  4. Think about whether or not QR codes would be a useful tool to integrate into development of culture-based resources.

Here's my QR code for this activity. I look forward to your sharing!